This half day trip, visited some old / heritage spot around central Surabaya, which location were close enough each other so that we could move to each spot by walk only or by cheap-citizen-transportation called "Bemo". It started from 1.15pm and ended at about 6.30pm.
Since we started this trip at noon so we better had some lunch first, we choose a main course from a 4-star hotel in Central Surabaya, Jemblung noodle.
This menu (& it's predecessor: "Jancok" fried rice) is one of the modern-authentic-Surabaya-taste menu which served in Taman Cafe at Surabaya Plaza Hotel (which opens from 7am to 11pm). At first it was made as a partner to its predecessor, Jancok fried rice, because of its hot & spicy flavour (so that Surabaya local people couldn't resist its hot that they would shout out "JANCOK" ("shit!" in english language)) the Hotel management made another new authentic menu named Jemblung noodle, which has a sweet flavour (similiar to Java fried noodle) to neutralized your mouth & tongue after ate Jancok fried rice (only if your stomach could accept another big portion after the fried rice @_@).
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Taman Cafe |
This menu (& it's predecessor: "Jancok" fried rice) is one of the modern-authentic-Surabaya-taste menu which served in Taman Cafe at Surabaya Plaza Hotel (which opens from 7am to 11pm). At first it was made as a partner to its predecessor, Jancok fried rice, because of its hot & spicy flavour (so that Surabaya local people couldn't resist its hot that they would shout out "JANCOK" ("shit!" in english language)) the Hotel management made another new authentic menu named Jemblung noodle, which has a sweet flavour (similiar to Java fried noodle) to neutralized your mouth & tongue after ate Jancok fried rice (only if your stomach could accept another big portion after the fried rice @_@).
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You can easily count the chicken chasio -.- |
"Jemblung" in Surabaya local language means as a-fat-big-full-stomach (after too much eating), so you're expected to be full & fat, untill you couldn't take another food again after you eat this fried noodle (according to the local people customs who like to eat in a big portion) because this fried noodle -same like its predecessor- is served in super big portion with an appropriate price, I would advise you to eat'em all with at least 3 girl friend or minimum 2 boy friend so that none will left behind in you plate. For me, it tasted too sweet so I suggest you not to eat the chicken chasio, vegetables, scrambled egg, & pickles at once, you better ate them slowly one by one to help you neutralize the sweet taste from the noodle, so that in the middle of eating you wouldn't feel sick, which will ended you to stop eating at all.
Jemblung noodle sold in package set of Rp.130.000 (price of 2013) include a pitcher of sweet ice tea (same package for Jancok fried rice), with a cozy athmosphere of Taman Cafe, I am sure that you will enjoy this noodle (or Jancok fried rice) (with friend), stay there much longer, have some chit chat, and feels like home. Last, before you went out from this hotel, don't forget to take your picture on the red-Jancok-posters near the Taman Cafe entrance.
After having lunch with fried noodle, it's time to explore some historical spot in central Surabaya. Less than 5 minutes walk, from Surabaya Plaza Hotel, next to Delta Plaza, there were Submarine monument (local people called them "Monkasel").
This submarine monument is a real ship of Pasopati 410, which is one of East Division Marine Fleet. It was named as KRI Pasopati 410, it was classified as 9 SS Whiskey class, made in Vladivostok, Rusia in 1952. It has joined in Indonesia Marine since January 29, 1962, and one of its war in Indonesia history was Trikora operation. The monument construction was started at July 1995, and its first stone was put by Surabaya Governor in that year, Mr. Basofi Sudirman, while in the same time this submarine body has been sliced into 16 pieces in PT.PAL Indonesia. Then all of them was put in its properly arrangement and built again on the monumen location. It was open officially for public in July 15, 1998.
More complete information about this monument, you can reach them here (Indonesian language). This monument opens from 8am to 11pm, but I suggest you to there in the afternoon, why? Seeing the location, the parking area, and its facility, I think that it's more safe for you to go there with some friend (not only couple) and not at night (after 5pm). Well I couldn't describe "why" in words, when you go there you'll know what I mean.
The ticket cost only Rp.5000, include the monument & history videography. Inside the monument there are some woman officer in marine uniform who ready to guide & explain, even help you to take your picture, luckily my officer was very helpful & friendly, she knows the best photo spot inside the monument. Here, some of the inside part of the monument: (do not worry, there's Air-Conditioned in each submarine room)
After exploring the submarine, it's about time to watch the videography. There we stopped at the restroom, such a pity for a historical site that it was in a very poor condition. It located hidden at the monument back area, near the music stage. There's only 1 restroom with an unproperly condition & cleanliness for a visitor (in my opinion), hopefully local government will pay more attention for such important
facilities in a historical site.
The videography wasn't shown at the exact time (we did asked the ticket officer, she said it shown at 4pm, but about 3.50pm we tried to check the videography room, it has played about. The video looks old, black and white colour, boring (for me..) so we only watched it about 10minutes T_T
At the end from your visit to Submarine monument, you must go to the back side of the monumen area, there's somekind of big river, right? Then you already visited another historical site again... you know... Kalimas riverside! Wakakakka.... 2 in 1 place!!
Submarine Monument: 39th Pemuda street, Surabaya 60100, East Java, Indonesia. phone: +6231-5490410.
Feel exhausted and sweating from the submarine monument, such a good decision to continue our trip to enjoy something fresh, sweet, & delicious, hmm... yummy... Zangrandi Ice Cream!!
If Jakarta has Ragusa has it's old ancient delicious ice cream, then Surabaya has Zangrandi ice cream! It has been built since 1930. It also written in its book-menu-cover, even their menu books looks old & a bit fragile. They have 2 restaurant area. First, the inside area, smaller, modernized, and completed with Air-Conditioned. Second, the outside area, this area much more crowded than the inside area, no AC, fan only but visitor tend to choose the outside area, even when the weather is summer or when the sun shined so bright into the restaurant area. Why visitor prefer to choose the outside area? I think it's because of their real old-ancient athmosphere & furniture (red-yellowish made of plaited rattan) was stayed & keep preserved in the outside area only. When people coming there not only looking for their dessert / ice cream, maybe they'd likely to feel the old-decades or nostalgic with old-friend off course they would choose the outside area.
They served each table each person there free a glass of water... it's a must service from them..I think...since their dessert or ice cream a bit pricy for me (monthly-paid office-worker T_T) and also compared to another ice cream cafe in some Mall at Surabaya. We order a glass of Macedonia with topping of Rhum Raisin & Lychee (Rp.30.000) and a heart-shaped plate of "Love Deal" ice cream (Rp.45.000)... hmmm... taste so sweet, delicious & cold, except the "rhum raisin" I think it's too strong, too bitter >_<. Some other of their ice cream menu that I can still remember, such as: Noodle Ice Cream, Chocolate Twinkle, Crispy Basket, Royale Peach, Avocado Fudge, and etc, but their first ice cream menu and also the most favourite was Tutti Frutti... hmmm...yummy...
For your information, at first it was named as Renato Zangrandi Ijspaleis (Netherland language, I think..) In the old times, it was told that their location was very strategic, across the street, there was Simpangsche Societeit building (nowadays we called them Balai Pemuda (I may translated them into Youth Central..I guess)).
Zangrandi Ice Cream: 19th Yos Sudarso street, Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia. Phone: +6231-5345820
Full by the sweetness of Zangrandi ice cream, we decided to cross the street and visit another historical site, Balai Pemuda (youth central). This was a quite big complexes building in one area, but the exact building that was the nearest to Zangrandi was this Balai Pemuda. As I have explained above, at first it was named as Simpangsche Societeit, and the street location, in old times was named as Simpang Straat. This building has been built since 1970 by a Dutch architect named Westmaes. This building also considered to be unique & ancient, especially its dome & gevel. In old times it used to be a place for rich & socialite people to hold a party, dance, or watching concert. Nowadays this building used for exhibition or any kind of occasion which gave a positive effect to or from young people or public society, such as traditional art exhibition, young painter exhibition, and etc. Unfortunately there's nothing in the day when we did visit the Balai Pemuda at noon. X_X So there's not much experience I can tell...
Youth Central: 15th Gubernur Suryo street, Genteng, East Surabaya.
Our next spot, I think it's an optional (but very recomended to try to) since our trip has already visited 2 food spot. Here I offer you 2 situational option:
1. If there's an exhibition / ocassion in youth central, you're interested in it and spent about 1-2 hours, I think your somach has quarter or half emptyed already, then I would recomend you to continue to CSO by bemo. Whether you just try them a bit (half with friend or you buy the satay only) or eat a full portion.
2. If there's no exhibition / ocassion (same like me that day) or if there is but you're not interested in it, and you still want to continue to CSO, then you better go there by walk. Hahahhaaa..... no bemo at all. Quite a long way of walking but I'm sure that the energy that you loss from walking is enough to emptyed your stomach, so you're ready to accept another food. I'm sure that even you order a full portion of satay with lontong, it won't be a big deal for you. Wakakkaka...^^
This satay is different from the ordinary satay you've ever met before. Coconut satay was grilled in-covered with shreded coconut, so their smokes has a unique smell that will invite you to come & try. It served in 2 option, meat or chicken, with special seasoning, sliced-cut onions, small chillies in pieces-cut, and lontong or plain steam rice, but satay in usual way always come with lontong. It opens from 6pm - 9pm, actually if you go to this spot only (different from my plan trip) I suggest you to come earlier, maybe about 4pm, why? Because near this CSO, about 2 neighbours away there's a small-old-times restaurant named Pangsit Mie 168 who closed at about 5pm. Their favourable menu is dumpling noodle & "lemper" (some kind of steamed rice filled with chopped chicken meat covered with banana leaf). It's very recomended.
For your information there's another smaller restaurant that also selling coconut satay. Some people said that the owner was used to be one of CSO owner (still their relatives) but then he/she decide to move away and built their own coconut satay restaurant, near CSO, then I have an opinion that now they might have already being a competitor.
So how do you know which Coconut Satay that I told in this post? In my opinion you better try them both, but I prefer CSO with title "Bu Asih" (the bigger restaurant). I've tried them both. For me, the smaller restaurant's satay wasn't fresh, it taste hard for my teeth. I didn't know why. But I think it's because they have a little customer only (as what I saw the day I ordered their satay & compared to Bu Asih), so maybe their raw material turn over slow, they might have kept their fresh meat / seasoning / chicken too long. Well, it's just my opinion, OK? You've got to prove it yourself..^^
In Bu Asih, each portion consist of 10 stick of meat satay with no lontong or rice will cost you Rp. 21.000 (year of 2013), while chicken satay with lontong will cost you Rp.14.000 (price of 2013). In the smaller CS restaurant, meat satay with no rice or lontong willcost you Rp.17.000 (price of 2013). Cheaper, but I would choose Bu Asih.
Coconut Satay Ondemohen: 36th Walikota Mustajab Street.
Oops.. forgot to mention, about how do we gonna get to these spots? Well, my starting point was from East Surabaya, let's say Raya Manyar Street, in front of Bookstore Manyar Jaya you should take & ride on "bemo" code RT-YKP or RT-TULUS green colour. Tell the driver that you gonna stop at Indosat Gallery or at the junction of Kayun Street, or you just shout "left" (minimum twice) to driver when the bemo has reached that 2 places. Don't forget to pay the driver Rp.4000 / person (bemo fee in 2013) once you arrived at Indosat Gallery or junction Kayun Street you have to take & ride on another bemo grey colour type "M", same as previous but your destination will be monkasel or Delta plaza. Arrived at Monkasel or Delta plaza you just need to walk a little to reach Surabaya Plaza Hotel. Actually in front of Manyar Jaya bookstore you'll see another bemo code N soft yellow colour, I would suggest you to take this bemo, because N straight forward to monkasel or delta plaza, so you just have to ride & pay Rp.4000 at once.
From Surabaya plaza hotel, you just need to walk a little less than 5 minute to reach Submarine Monument.
From Submarine monument to Zangrandi ice cream, I would suggest you to walk, about 5-7minutes walking actually but it's very good to emptyed your stomach from the Jemblung noodle. You need to walk straight forward Pemuda street and turn right at Yos Sudarso street, look at your right side, afterGarden Palace Hotel there you'll find Zangrandi Ice cream.
To the Youth Central. Just cross the road of Yos Sudarso street, there you'll find a wide complexes old building of Youth Central.
Now, our last destination, Coconut Satay Ondemohen. From youth central you have 2 option, walk straight forward Yos Sudarso street untill you reach the big building of mayor office in Walikota Mustajab street (or local people said Ondemohen street) turn left on it, walk again through that street, look at left / right side of the road and you'll find the restaurant from its signboard name "Sate Klopo Bu Asih" about 12-15 minutes of walking or more. A bit tired but you can enjoy Surabaya athmosphere. Or, you can take & ride on bemo N or M, and tell the driver that your destination is Sate Klopo Ondemohen (coconut satay ondemohen) & don't forget to pay Rp.4.000 /person.
Try'em all OK?
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Entrance ticket |
More complete information about this monument, you can reach them here (Indonesian language). This monument opens from 8am to 11pm, but I suggest you to there in the afternoon, why? Seeing the location, the parking area, and its facility, I think that it's more safe for you to go there with some friend (not only couple) and not at night (after 5pm). Well I couldn't describe "why" in words, when you go there you'll know what I mean.
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Ticket officer, here |
After exploring the submarine, it's about time to watch the videography. There we stopped at the restroom, such a pity for a historical site that it was in a very poor condition. It located hidden at the monument back area, near the music stage. There's only 1 restroom with an unproperly condition & cleanliness for a visitor (in my opinion), hopefully local government will pay more attention for such important
facilities in a historical site.
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Shame on my government |
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Videography room |
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Feels so sleepy...zzzz |
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Marine army motto |
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The submarine data |
Submarine Monument: 39th Pemuda street, Surabaya 60100, East Java, Indonesia. phone: +6231-5490410.
Feel exhausted and sweating from the submarine monument, such a good decision to continue our trip to enjoy something fresh, sweet, & delicious, hmm... yummy... Zangrandi Ice Cream!!
If Jakarta has Ragusa has it's old ancient delicious ice cream, then Surabaya has Zangrandi ice cream! It has been built since 1930. It also written in its book-menu-cover, even their menu books looks old & a bit fragile. They have 2 restaurant area. First, the inside area, smaller, modernized, and completed with Air-Conditioned. Second, the outside area, this area much more crowded than the inside area, no AC, fan only but visitor tend to choose the outside area, even when the weather is summer or when the sun shined so bright into the restaurant area. Why visitor prefer to choose the outside area? I think it's because of their real old-ancient athmosphere & furniture (red-yellowish made of plaited rattan) was stayed & keep preserved in the outside area only. When people coming there not only looking for their dessert / ice cream, maybe they'd likely to feel the old-decades or nostalgic with old-friend off course they would choose the outside area.
They served each table each person there free a glass of water... it's a must service from them..I think...since their dessert or ice cream a bit pricy for me (monthly-paid office-worker T_T) and also compared to another ice cream cafe in some Mall at Surabaya. We order a glass of Macedonia with topping of Rhum Raisin & Lychee (Rp.30.000) and a heart-shaped plate of "Love Deal" ice cream (Rp.45.000)... hmmm... taste so sweet, delicious & cold, except the "rhum raisin" I think it's too strong, too bitter >_<. Some other of their ice cream menu that I can still remember, such as: Noodle Ice Cream, Chocolate Twinkle, Crispy Basket, Royale Peach, Avocado Fudge, and etc, but their first ice cream menu and also the most favourite was Tutti Frutti... hmmm...yummy...
For your information, at first it was named as Renato Zangrandi Ijspaleis (Netherland language, I think..) In the old times, it was told that their location was very strategic, across the street, there was Simpangsche Societeit building (nowadays we called them Balai Pemuda (I may translated them into Youth Central..I guess)).
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Look at those painting, another historical athmosphere |
Zangrandi Ice Cream: 19th Yos Sudarso street, Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia. Phone: +6231-5345820
Full by the sweetness of Zangrandi ice cream, we decided to cross the street and visit another historical site, Balai Pemuda (youth central). This was a quite big complexes building in one area, but the exact building that was the nearest to Zangrandi was this Balai Pemuda. As I have explained above, at first it was named as Simpangsche Societeit, and the street location, in old times was named as Simpang Straat. This building has been built since 1970 by a Dutch architect named Westmaes. This building also considered to be unique & ancient, especially its dome & gevel. In old times it used to be a place for rich & socialite people to hold a party, dance, or watching concert. Nowadays this building used for exhibition or any kind of occasion which gave a positive effect to or from young people or public society, such as traditional art exhibition, young painter exhibition, and etc. Unfortunately there's nothing in the day when we did visit the Balai Pemuda at noon. X_X So there's not much experience I can tell...
Youth Central: 15th Gubernur Suryo street, Genteng, East Surabaya.
Our next spot, I think it's an optional (but very recomended to try to) since our trip has already visited 2 food spot. Here I offer you 2 situational option:
1. If there's an exhibition / ocassion in youth central, you're interested in it and spent about 1-2 hours, I think your somach has quarter or half emptyed already, then I would recomend you to continue to CSO by bemo. Whether you just try them a bit (half with friend or you buy the satay only) or eat a full portion.
2. If there's no exhibition / ocassion (same like me that day) or if there is but you're not interested in it, and you still want to continue to CSO, then you better go there by walk. Hahahhaaa..... no bemo at all. Quite a long way of walking but I'm sure that the energy that you loss from walking is enough to emptyed your stomach, so you're ready to accept another food. I'm sure that even you order a full portion of satay with lontong, it won't be a big deal for you. Wakakkaka...^^
This satay is different from the ordinary satay you've ever met before. Coconut satay was grilled in-covered with shreded coconut, so their smokes has a unique smell that will invite you to come & try. It served in 2 option, meat or chicken, with special seasoning, sliced-cut onions, small chillies in pieces-cut, and lontong or plain steam rice, but satay in usual way always come with lontong. It opens from 6pm - 9pm, actually if you go to this spot only (different from my plan trip) I suggest you to come earlier, maybe about 4pm, why? Because near this CSO, about 2 neighbours away there's a small-old-times restaurant named Pangsit Mie 168 who closed at about 5pm. Their favourable menu is dumpling noodle & "lemper" (some kind of steamed rice filled with chopped chicken meat covered with banana leaf). It's very recomended.
For your information there's another smaller restaurant that also selling coconut satay. Some people said that the owner was used to be one of CSO owner (still their relatives) but then he/she decide to move away and built their own coconut satay restaurant, near CSO, then I have an opinion that now they might have already being a competitor.
So how do you know which Coconut Satay that I told in this post? In my opinion you better try them both, but I prefer CSO with title "Bu Asih" (the bigger restaurant). I've tried them both. For me, the smaller restaurant's satay wasn't fresh, it taste hard for my teeth. I didn't know why. But I think it's because they have a little customer only (as what I saw the day I ordered their satay & compared to Bu Asih), so maybe their raw material turn over slow, they might have kept their fresh meat / seasoning / chicken too long. Well, it's just my opinion, OK? You've got to prove it yourself..^^
In Bu Asih, each portion consist of 10 stick of meat satay with no lontong or rice will cost you Rp. 21.000 (year of 2013), while chicken satay with lontong will cost you Rp.14.000 (price of 2013). In the smaller CS restaurant, meat satay with no rice or lontong willcost you Rp.17.000 (price of 2013). Cheaper, but I would choose Bu Asih.
Coconut Satay Ondemohen: 36th Walikota Mustajab Street.
Oops.. forgot to mention, about how do we gonna get to these spots? Well, my starting point was from East Surabaya, let's say Raya Manyar Street, in front of Bookstore Manyar Jaya you should take & ride on "bemo" code RT-YKP or RT-TULUS green colour. Tell the driver that you gonna stop at Indosat Gallery or at the junction of Kayun Street, or you just shout "left" (minimum twice) to driver when the bemo has reached that 2 places. Don't forget to pay the driver Rp.4000 / person (bemo fee in 2013) once you arrived at Indosat Gallery or junction Kayun Street you have to take & ride on another bemo grey colour type "M", same as previous but your destination will be monkasel or Delta plaza. Arrived at Monkasel or Delta plaza you just need to walk a little to reach Surabaya Plaza Hotel. Actually in front of Manyar Jaya bookstore you'll see another bemo code N soft yellow colour, I would suggest you to take this bemo, because N straight forward to monkasel or delta plaza, so you just have to ride & pay Rp.4000 at once.
From Surabaya plaza hotel, you just need to walk a little less than 5 minute to reach Submarine Monument.
From Submarine monument to Zangrandi ice cream, I would suggest you to walk, about 5-7minutes walking actually but it's very good to emptyed your stomach from the Jemblung noodle. You need to walk straight forward Pemuda street and turn right at Yos Sudarso street, look at your right side, afterGarden Palace Hotel there you'll find Zangrandi Ice cream.
To the Youth Central. Just cross the road of Yos Sudarso street, there you'll find a wide complexes old building of Youth Central.
Now, our last destination, Coconut Satay Ondemohen. From youth central you have 2 option, walk straight forward Yos Sudarso street untill you reach the big building of mayor office in Walikota Mustajab street (or local people said Ondemohen street) turn left on it, walk again through that street, look at left / right side of the road and you'll find the restaurant from its signboard name "Sate Klopo Bu Asih" about 12-15 minutes of walking or more. A bit tired but you can enjoy Surabaya athmosphere. Or, you can take & ride on bemo N or M, and tell the driver that your destination is Sate Klopo Ondemohen (coconut satay ondemohen) & don't forget to pay Rp.4.000 /person.
Try'em all OK?